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31.3 Galicia
Talks : Tilo's Talk on Galicia

Galicia is a remote part in Northern Spain where Christianity took refuge when most of Spain was under Muslim control, a region influenced by Celts and Germanic tribes, where bagpipes are more common than guitars. Think rugged Atlantic coast, fishing boats, hidden monasteries, mountains and majestic river canyons…

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Please note, this session will be recorded and available to view after the session within 48 hours of it taking place. You will be able to locate it under our Access Anytime courses list and you will be able to watch it flexibly in your own time for the subsequent 7 days.

£6.00 (incl. VAT)

Dates Available

31/03/202519:30 to 20:30 The WI Learning Hub 207 Spaces Left

Total for this order (discounts applied later)

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